The Gifted Rev. A. Butcher Sings Her Own Composition
19663 - Make Up Your Mind
(Little Echo, Bmi)
19664 - Step Aside
Sir 104
19663 - Make Up Your Mind
(Little Echo, Bmi)
19664 - Step Aside
Sir 104
The gifted Rev. A. Butcher was in the service of God in the Divine Holiness Church of Cleveland, Ohio.
When Rev. Mother Blue died, Rev. Butcher led an eulogy for the late Reverend. Jet Magazine [August 18, 1977] has the story :
She was more than molded metal, eight cylinders, four tires and a vinyl top. She was « Rev. Mother blue, » a blue luxury Cadillac which served as transportation for Cleveland’s Divine Holiness Church of God.
She was used to take parishioners to and from church, to out-of-town meetings and church services, and to and from doctors appointments.
So when the vintage 1973 car pulled its last mile, the pastorage put her away in style. Rev. Allmon Butcher preached a funeral in the church yard, and telegrams of condolence from out-of-towners who were served by « Mother blue » were read.
Following the service, the car was shipped to Springfield, Ohio, for interment.
Rev. Butcher (left) leads eulogy service for
the late « Rev. Mother Blue » at
Divine Holiness Church of God in Cleveland
the late « Rev. Mother Blue » at
Divine Holiness Church of God in Cleveland
was later shipped to Springfield, Ohio, for burial after
going to that great parking lot in the sky.
going to that great parking lot in the sky.
Where can I get this CD. My dad grew up in her church and would love it!