Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Brosh 500 (EP)

Kris Arden
My Guy (Essie Smock)

 Sammy Marshall  and the Keynotes
 Just A Few (M.Fritz)

The Mystery Girl
 Makes My Heart Start Flopping Around

 Ronnie May  
Love 'em So (Royal H. Lawson)

Brosh BR-500 EP

3223 W. Birchwood Ave., Milwaukee 21, Wisc.
John O' Brien distr. : Phone EV 4-0180

Octobre 1961

Song poems all published through Jasmine Music (BMI), a publishing company whose name is also found on Jabar Records and Caveman Records. 

The company operated  from a Post Office Box in Princeton, Florida.  Razor blades and aloe gel were other subjects of advertisements at various times, between 1959 and 1968.from the same P.O. Box.  Possible relation with Active Music and Jack Curry of Air Records.

There is also a Mystery Girl singer on Dial Records.  Same singer ?

Billboard, 13 April 1959

 Billboard, 17 April 1962

Popular Mechanics, August 1964
Stainless razor blades
 Billboard, 26 November 1966
publishing, foreign royalties

 Billboard, 18 February 1967
needs rhythm and blues recording for foreign releas

Popular Mechanics, March 1968
Salesmen wanted for Aloe Gel miracle healing lotion

1 comment:

  1. Makes My Heart Start Flopping Around :

