Label : Fink
34553 - Loved Ones
34554 - Strange Things
From the information found on one of their albums, The Commanding Shepherds included the following members : William Douglas, Elwood Douglas, Gary Thomas, Ernest Burgess, William Lynch, Eddie Williams, Paul Felder, James Fouch, Willie Dowtin, Dave Tisdale, William Dwight.
The Commanding Shepherds had records released on Pinewood (three albums and singles) and at least one single on Rae Cox.
Although I , Richard Small is not mentioned as a member, I served with The Commanding Sheperds from Febrary 1969 to Febrary 1977. From the group that was reestablished in 1969, only Eddie William's and I are left. Willie Dowtin , James Fouch became Deacons. Dave Tisdale serve as a Trustee in his church. Eddie William's and I serve as Deacons in our respective churches.Whiles singing and playing guitar, there were some joyous times singing in Maryland and up and down the road from New York state to Alabama and all states in between. To God be the Glory.