Carl Maduri
CP-6907 - Miss Teenage Sweet 16
Marilyn Jane Lee
CP-6908 - Happy Birthday Sweet 16 (Invitation)
"B-side is a Spoken word invitation to a party which mentions that Andrea Carroll will be singing her hit "Gee Dad". (Andrea Carroll was a early 60's Teen artist from the Cleveland , OH area. (Epic 9472, oct 61)"
"Miss Teenage Sweet 16" is probably a special adaptation of "Miss Teenage America", a regional hit Carl Maduri had on Cameo in October 1961, some two months before.
Carl Maduri has been involved in the music industry for over forty years. He began as a singer/writer, having his first taste of success co-writing the parody hit “The Hula-Hoop Song” with Jim Testa. Carl then began promoting his own music with regional hit songs on Mercury and Epic Records, “The Joker” and “A Girl in Her Teens” (Mercury). Epic saw first-hand, Carl’s promoting abilities, and brought him into their company as a promoter for several popular artists including Platters, Patti Page, The Diamonds and Vic Damone. Carl expanded several years later as an independent promoter for music distributors in the Cleveland market while building his own company CM Production, Inc. Hits included “Happy Feet Time” and “Mr. John” by The Montclairs.
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