Buddy Martin With The Bowen Sisters
Broom 001
"Sweeping the Nation"
Billy Hogan Enterprises
Hunstville, Alabama
CP-5343 - Forgive Me God
(Ernest Ashworth) Acuff-Rose BMI
CP-5344 - Stay Happy
Billy Hogan (1933-1994) is probably best known for his "Shake It Over Sputnik" issued in 1958 on his own Vena label. He wrote songs for Ernie Ashworth (1928-2009) and also acted as his manager at a time, according to this snippet found in Billboard (issue dated October 30, 1961) :
Picture credit : eBay http://myworld.ebay.com/investorinc/?_trksid=p4340.l2559
Billy Hogan, president of Broom Music Company, is slated to leave Huntsville, Ala., at 6 a.m. Wednesday (1) armed with a broom, and plans to walk and sweep his way, 115 miles, to WSM’s Country Music Festival in Nashville. Huntsville mayor, R.B. Searcy, is skedded to see him off. Hogan is putting the big sweep on Enrest Ashworth’s Decca recording of « Be MineAgain. » Hogan wrote the tune in collaboration with Rose Hall, and Hogan’s Broom Music is publisher. Billy hopes to land in Nashville sometime Friday (3).
Picture credit : eBay http://myworld.ebay.com/investorinc/?_trksid=p4340.l2559
According to Malcolm Miller, a local Huntsville musician and wellspring on knowledge about Huntsville, Billy only managed to make it 30 miles into his trip before he gave it up and drove the rest of the way