LP "God Will Set Your Fields On Fire!!"
Recorded live in Holy Ghost Revival
From Wayne Parks Ministries website :
Wayne Parks, son of Rev. Al Parks, was born in Roanoke, Virginia. He grew up under the training of a classic Pentecostal background, and was taught the ways of God from a young child. He was born again at a young age.
As a teenager, he began going with his father in evangelistic ministry. In his mid-teens, Wayne Parks began his own ministry. Eventually, he came under the mentoring of anointed revivalist and tent evangelist A. A. Allen.
Throughout his twenties he maintained a traveling itinerary of tent revivals, ministering healing, miracles, and hard hitting preaching to multitudes over the years, with tremendous success by the power of the Holy Ghost.
In 1979, at 31 years of age, under the specific direction of the Holy Ghost, Wayne Parks moved his ministry headquarters to Fort Lauderdale, Florida, and opened Full Gospel Church of the Living God; and continues the pastoral work there.
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