Monday, December 28, 2009

Harry Weger

Harry Weger and His Guitar

Adair 623

CP-3981 ~ Molly Darling
CP-3982 ~ Long Gone Lonesome Blues

The only record issued by Adair Records which was not recorded by Bryant Wilson, who owned the label since 1958 and recorded all the other known releases on the label.

Harry Weger
(1927-2007) and his wife Docie toured with country legend Roy Acuff in 1949 and he signed on to Terre Haute radio station WBOW later that year with a show called "Harry Weger – The Hoosier Folk Singer." He eventually put together a band and toured the country as "Harry Weger and the Hoosierland Hoedown."

In 1954, Weger signed the station on the air with his show, "Harry Weger, The Bronco Buddy – and the Big Ten Western Feature." The show became a runaway hit with thousands of children signing up for membership in the Bronco Buddy Club. Weger and his champion trick horse, Cherokee, drew massive crowds whenever they appeared live.

In the 1950’s he worked as a pit guard at the Indianapolis 500, where he made many friends. Sam Hanks, J.C. Agajanian,A.J. Foyt, Eddie Sachs and Jimmy Bryan. After Jimmy was killed at Langhorn, it prompted Harry to immortalize his friend in song. The Weger's original recording of "The Ballad of Jimmy Bryan" was issued on the René label. (Hear both sides here).

On the same René label, Harry produced The Creepers' "Jammin' Granny", a quite rare and excellent rockabilly, engineered in Nashville by Jack Logan.

The Wegers operated a record store in downtown Terre Haute for 16 years and he became a member of the Wabash Valley Country Music Hall of Fame.

Terry Haughee presenting to Harry Weger and his wife
at Wabash Valley Musician's Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony - Class of 1995

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