[Mary-Leah LaJoie]
Accomp. By the Country Boys
Process 130
13841 - Before I Can Go
13842 - I'm Thinking Of Me
The Leavenworth Times from Leavenworth, Kansas - March 3, 1965· Page 3 :
Mary- Leah LaJoie, Atchison, signed a recording contracl at Franklin, Pa., with Process Records and recorded two of her songs, "Before I Can Go" and "I'm Thinking of Me." Mary-Leah is a native of Troy, Kan., where her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Ward, live. A sister, Mrs. Elizabeth Nieman lives at 321 Holiday Drive, Lansing, and is employed at The Leavenworth Times. Radio stations and shops feature her records and she has sung in night clubs in St. Joseph and Kansas City and at the Atchison Jubilee Feb. 6. She is a graduate of Highland Junior College where she studied dramatics and music.
I just found an autographed 45 rpm record of Cross My Heart by Mary-Leah in a collection of records from my high school-1953 and college-1957 days. Anyone interested in buying it for a collection? My email address is grandmarty@juno.com